How to Treat Knee Arthritis

The inflammatory degenerative process of the knee joint, or knee arthrosis, occurs for several reasons. It can have an extremely negative impact on a person's quality of life, sometimes even leading to disability. How to treat knee arthritis and prevent complications?

What is joint disease

Approximately 22% of the world's population suffers from knee joint disease, with women being more likely to be affected. This insidious disease is characterized by rapid progression.The structure of the knee jointIf treatment is not started promptly, the knee joint may collapse completely. This results in impaired musculoskeletal function. Movement is possible only with the help of crutches, otherwise the person becomes a hostage of a wheelchair.The knee joint is the second largest joint after the hip joint and the most complex joint in structure. It allows you to bend and straighten your legs in different directions, promoting correct body position and spatial coordination. This is a strong and stable joint that can bear a person's weight. Made up of 3 bones: the femur, tibia, and fibula, and the patella, or kneecap. Includes osteochondral structures, muscles, ligaments, and nerve fibers.The disease begins with a violation of blood circulation and nutrition of joint tissue. First, the cartilage is damaged. The quality and quantity of synovial fluid, which sits in the joint capsule and helps the knee joint function smoothly, is reduced. Friction occurs between joint parts. Gradually, the cartilage breaks down and collapses. Unprotected bones begin to rub against each other. Pain occurs and a crunching sound is heard.

disease cause

It mainly affects older people, especially overweight women. Due to hormonal changes, the cartilage in your knees can become severely worn down. After 60 years, more than 80% of people will have varying degrees of knee joint disease.There are other causes of knee joint disease:
  • congenital joint pathology;
  • Dysplasia;
  • Injury, surgery;
  • Removal of the meniscus or part of it;
  • arthritis;
  • Lumbar spine disease;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • Low metabolism.
People who perform repetitive physical tasks are at increased risk of developing this disease. This group also includes athletes, people with sedentary lifestyles, and people with adverse environmental conditions. Sufferers are usually people who are dependent on toxic substances (drugs, alcohol, smoking).The cause of joint deformity may be work related to sustained low temperatures. Predisposing factors are gynecological diseases (fibroadenoma, endometriosis, uterine fibroids) in women after menopause. Diet can be a trigger due to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Stages and symptoms

Knee arthritis can be unilateral or bilateral. Depending on the nature of the manifestations, the disease is divided into degrees:
  1. There are no obvious clinical symptoms at this stage. Mild discomfort and pain may occur after prolonged exercise, which will disappear after rest. You will feel pain when you get up in the morning and move around, but it will disappear after a while. Grade 1 arthropathy is rarely diagnosed incidentally during routine examination.
  2. Increased knee pain and stiffness. One saves one's legs and tries to lighten their load. As a result, muscles atrophy, joint deformations can be felt, and the legs at the knees cannot fully extend.
  3. The pain is constant. The legs do not straighten or bend, making it difficult to walk. Partial or complete loss of mobility. The cartilage is completely destroyed, and friction between the bones of the joint increases with the formation of osteophytes.
joint development stageIn addition to grade 2 and 3 pain, a crunching sound may be heard in the knee. Fluid and cartilage tissue fragments can accumulate in the joint capsule, causing swelling. In the late stages, the inflammatory process is evident and the knee joint becomes deformed.


If you have knee pain, you can contact your local doctor who will refer you to an orthopedic surgeon, traumatologist, rheumatologist, or endocrinologist if necessary. In order to find out the cause and treatment of knee joint disease, a comprehensive diagnosis is required:
  • General and biochemical blood tests;
  • rheumatism test;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound and MRI can detect disease at an early stage;
  • Arthroscopy.
X-rays can see the cartilage condition and bone changes in stages 2 and 3. This is a narrowing of the joint space, osteophytes on the edge of the patella, and changes in the periosteum. Arthroscopy provides more detailed information about the meniscus, synovium, and the presence of fluid. This method is also used to treat the knee to remove cartilage or meniscus fragments.

Treatment of knee joint disease

Treatment is long and sometimes painful. Once this disease occurs once, you will be reminded of it for the rest of your life. The main drugs used for treatment are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most commonly, these are drugs based on the phenylacetic acid derivatives class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They eliminate inflammation and pain. The drug is relatively inexpensive, but can lead to the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers and erosions. Modern drugs have fewer side effects but are expensive.Intra-articular injections to treat arthropathyThe first phase of treatment includes preventive measures related to exercise. Daily exercise, use of contrast showers, swimming pool twice a week and combating weight gain are required.The second stage involves immobilizing the joint – using elastic bandages, bandages or orthotics. To relieve pain, NSAIDs are used in the form of creams and ointments. In order to reduce the degree of cartilage destruction, the patient was prescribed a group of drugs called chondroprotectants.Severe cases require oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Intra-articular injectable hormonal drugs refer to synthetic glucocorticoids (GCS), which have high glucocorticoid and low mineralocorticoid activity. In addition, painkillers were prescribed.A hyaluronic acid solution is injected into the joint. It replaces fluid in joints and nourishes cartilage. When moving, it acts as a shock absorber for the joint. The procedure is painful and is performed by a doctor after the acute phase has subsided. If conservative treatment is unsuccessful, endoprosthetic treatment is performed.In addition to drug therapy, exercises (exercise therapy) using special simulators and equipment are prescribed. Ozone therapy has a positive effect on knee conditions. The substance is intended for external use and is administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, ozone ointment, cream. The technique stimulates blood circulation and enhances the effects of chondroprotectants and glucocorticoids.Modern dietary supplements are needed as alternatives to joint repair medications. Exercise therapy and massage are required. A special set of exercises can improve blood circulation and nutrition of cartilage cells and increase the elasticity of ligaments.

Complications and prevention

Damaged cartilage tissue and deformed bones cannot be treated. In this case, only surgery can help. There are no creams or medications that can restore cartilage. Medications can only stop the process of cartilage tissue destruction.Knee joint disease progresses gradually, and sometimes the disease lasts for several years. Without proper treatment, a patient's condition can deteriorate rapidly. The knee cannot work and serious complications occur:
  • joint deformity;
  • Cosmetic defects - curvature of limbs;
  • Infections of the blood or lymph fluid from other sources in the body;
  • Because the ligaments are weak, dislocations and fractures can occur even during normal walking;
  • Bone fusion (ankylosis) occurs in the joint area, resulting in loss of movement.
Complications can occur if patients do not attend appointments and the condition progresses. Regular preventive examinations and timely treatment of general diseases of the body can help prevent the condition from getting worse and maintain the motor function of the limbs.